Thursday, September 14, 2006

This is Suzannah's new's so 80s...pure vintage.

Here are some amazing pictures Erin took in Edmonton last weekend. Erin's sister Suzannah and two of her friends (Bo & Marcie) came up from Oregon last week and we all went to Edmonton on the weekend to the Harvest Moon Festival. I represented Prairie at the Festival, which turned out pretty good. Two bands from Prairie played at the Festival, so that helped, plus everyone loved the Prairie tattoos. We stayed downtown, saw some shows (MXPX, Blindside), hung-out, I learned how to long board, it was fun. The "Consume Much" picture is taken just outside of the Bay at the West Edmonton Mall.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Well, Erin and I have been discussing lately when a good time to have our first child would be. I received this picture from a friend and showed it to Erin. We shared a brief moment of non-verbal communication. She looked at me as if to say, "Let's wait a little longer." The perfect horror of this picture has put an end to our discussion of bringing children into this sorrowful least for now. On a different note here is a good prayer to pray regularly: "God in Heaven, let me really feel my nothingness, not in order to despair over it, but in order to feel the more powerfully the greatness of Thy goodness."
- Soren Kierkegaard