Sunday, December 17, 2006

Here is a picture of Erin and I at the Christmas Banquet. We had a good night hanging-out with other married couples. The theme was Charles Dickens' Christmas Carol. Erin is finished school now, all she has left to complete in order to receive her Bachelor's degree is her final Intercultural Studies paper. She is researching how a missionary kid's involvement in his or her parent's ministry affects his or her spiritual well-being and consequently, his or her social adjustment to North American culture. It is really interesting. Well, we are going to leave for Oregon on Thursday morning (December 21st). It is a 20 hour trip, so please pray for our safety. Right now Erin is making gingersnaps and I am in the middle of reading an essay by Jean-Luc Marion (Synopsis so far: We strive in vain if we attempt to understand God as an object. St. Augustine said that one knows God best by not knowing Him. Seeing God is to be found in not seeing him. "Incomprehensibility does not epistemologically disquailfy the Infinite," in other words, just because God is incomprehensible does not imply that He is not true or that we cannot know Him. For as you know God reveals Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. 2000 years ago the Infinite took on flesh and this is what we celebrate at Christmas). Anyway, I am definitely looking forward to hanging-out with Erin's family in Grants Pass and simply reading, relaxing, watching movies, hiking, eating pizza and turkey, etc. I hope you all have a great Christmas! Blessings! Love Nathan and Erin

Movies to watch during Christmas:

Half Nelson
Little Miss Sunshine
Stranger Than Fiction
The Departed
Thank You for Smoking
Fast Food Nation
The Pursuit of Happyness

Check out my book wish list for 2007