Friday, October 13, 2006

This is a picture of Erin and I at Jocelyn's wedding last Saturday. Well, not much is new with us. We got a new computer (used but new to us), so I bought a wireless card and now we have the Internet. I traveled this week to Saskatchewan and eastern Alberta recruiting students. I had good conversations with lots of people, are there are some people who are really interested in coming to Prairie. I've been listening to the Bible on CD as I drive, which has been really great. Yesterday I shared with two people what I had read in Acts, it just fit into the conversation. I found out today that my sister-in-law Suzannah was in a car accident yesterday. Her head went through the windshield. She is okay though, which, of course, is good. I talked to her today, I guess her one eye is swollen over and she can't move her head. Next week I travel to British Columbia on a bus with 25 other Christian College & University representatives. Should be fun. I've been listening to Saxon Shore, Iron & Wine, Calexico, and Josh Tillman, check them out (links). Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome picture! Very cute...makes me miss you both very much! We pray for you both everyday...keep safe...happy...and falling in love more and more each day!
Love and Hugs!