Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Today was a pretty good day. It was -20 something with sunshine (this is me being somewhat sarcastic and at the same time attempting to be optimistic). I had yesterday off, which was nice. I slept in, read, hung-out briefly with Steve in the Loft, and watched Superman Returns with Erin. I am still fighting the cold I contracted after returning home from Ottawa. Erin and I bought our first Christmas tree yesterday. It was only $10. Erin insisted on getting a real tree and now the whole apartment is permeated with a strong pinecone odor that I can taste each time I swallow. It’s nice to look at though. Anyway, Erin and I just got back from the library, she is studying and after I write and post this update message I am going to try to persuade her to watch an NBC Office episode with me. Well, are you finished your Christmas shopping yet? I only have one thing left to get and I am done. Erin and I are looking forward to getting out of this -26 weather and having two weeks in Oregon for Christmas. Until next time, buddle up and stay warm friends.

1 comment:

Dayna Chu said...

is this your monthly update? :) Have a good Christmas in Oregon; hope it's warm for you (white Christmas is over rated wouldn't you agree?) Karl and I are heading south too, to see my sister and her fam in NC, and going to Tennessee for a few days too for fun.

Anyway, see you back in the great white north likely in January (or maybe in the great green west for Mfest BC?)