Thursday, August 23, 2007

Here are some more belly pictures! As you can see our little one is growing! Erin is 19 weeks this Tuesday. We went in for an ultra-sound the other day and were told that we were 10 days earlier than we thought. As a result, our due date is January 21st not January 11th. Next Friday we have another ultra-sound and we will find out if our baby is a boy or girl! We will also be given a DVD of our baby in 4D (fancy technology). Other than the baby not much is new. Erin and I, being a part of the Prairie Admissions team, are getting ready for students to arrive. There are about 75 students here already. I love meeting new students and being able to put a face to a name. At night we either read or watch a movie (pretty exciting stuff). The funny thing is that I wouldn't have any other way (which means I am getting old and/or less restless).