Thursday, August 23, 2007

Here are some more belly pictures! As you can see our little one is growing! Erin is 19 weeks this Tuesday. We went in for an ultra-sound the other day and were told that we were 10 days earlier than we thought. As a result, our due date is January 21st not January 11th. Next Friday we have another ultra-sound and we will find out if our baby is a boy or girl! We will also be given a DVD of our baby in 4D (fancy technology). Other than the baby not much is new. Erin and I, being a part of the Prairie Admissions team, are getting ready for students to arrive. There are about 75 students here already. I love meeting new students and being able to put a face to a name. At night we either read or watch a movie (pretty exciting stuff). The funny thing is that I wouldn't have any other way (which means I am getting old and/or less restless).


Anonymous said...

You and nathan look very endearing together, I can just hear the cooing that you guys are making. can you feel the baby yet? We really miss you, wish we could be together. keep patting that belly for me.

Anonymous said...

You and nathan look very endearing together, I can just hear the cooing that you guys are making. can you feel the baby yet? We really miss you, wish we could be together. keep patting that belly for me. Rosie

Anonymous said...

So cute! Make sure you let us know what the sex is. We're praying for you guys! Love you!
James and Nikki

Anonymous said...

sooooooooo sweet...the three of you...bonding already!! The baby knows how much we all love her?, him? Any names yet?
Love and prayers,Mom B.