Friday, July 20, 2007

Erin is documenting her pregnancy. Here are the latest pcitures (14.5 weeks), and, yes, her belly is getting bigger! I am getting pretty excited as the days go by. I know that there will be some major adjustments to our schedule and life when little junior gets here, but I know (with certainty) that having a child will be such a blessing!


Anonymous said...

Looking good, Erin. Hope you're over the morning sickness assured of our daily prayers...keep those photos coming!!
Love, Mom B.

Anonymous said...

You really are showing, yopu are so adorable. How are you feeling, really and truthfully? I miss you guys a lot. Seattle has been quite the adjustment. wish we could see you. You should really be taking more pictures, I love to look at your pics. Love you both.

Anonymous said...

You are so cute Erin. I can hardly wait for the little munchkin to arrive.

Love, Grandma Renee

Anonymous said...

Hey! I just figured out I can leave you a comment without having an account! Its Melissa (Melissa Allaire from high school!). I don't know if you heard but I was pregnant, about only a week and a half farther along than you, but now my baby is living with Jesus. I cannot think of a better person to raise my child than Him! Anyway, I look at your page all the time since you are about as far along as I was, now I can be pregnant, vicariously through you! I know God will give me a baby when its His time! You have the cutest belly! keep posting pics, so I can see! Love you ERIN!!! My myspace account is

hadassah said...

Erin! i need to get together w/ you & see your cute pregnant belly!! :)