Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Here is Erin at 22 weeks. I can't hug Erin without bumping into baby first. I felt the baby move this last weekend. It was amazing. Erin says she does summersaults in there (restless like the rest of us). I think all she does is sleep and plan her escape. I've started telling her stories and last Friday we took here to her first concert (Mutemath and Pilate). I am convinced she is going to be a poet or musician or a philosopher. Erin says she will be girly and play with dolls and that I need to love her selflessly (even if she doesn't become my little poet, etc.).


Anonymous said...

Erin, You are adorable. I am so excited about little baby Bonney. I can hardly wait until January.

Love, Grandma Renee

Anonymous said...

Erin's right Nathan! And you do look awesome Erin. Know we're praying for you guys!
Nikki Bonney

Anonymous said...

Wow...so surreal. what a miracle, eh? For sure we're looking forward to a girly girl in every way...love the sonogram photos...she's gorgeous already,just like her parents!!
Love and prayers,
Grandma B.

Tara said...


Anonymous said...

OOooooooh, I am so glad to finally see a picture, I know little Charlotte is going to be everything you never and always imagined, I can't wait to see her. Erin, how does she feel inside of you, and what emotions do you feel when thinking about her? I am assuming its a girl cause everyone else said, she.
Nathan you don't even need to worry what she's gonna be, cause you always love unconditionally, so you'll do amazing. Are things at Prairie rough right now? anxious to be done with everything? E-mail me or give me a call.
Love Rosie