Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Here is Erin at 26 weeks. I think her belly resembles a squash. Erin has informed me that there are many different types of squash. So I have decided it looks like a pumpkin. Our little girl is moving around lots and enjoys kicking Erin's bladder. Her eyes are now open and she can recognize and distinguish different sounds. I talk and sing to her all the time. Erin finally received her Bachelor of Arts degree two weeks ago. She is excited about not having to do school ever again. Erin and I saw a huge moose in Three Hills last week! We followed it in our car. Well, this week I start traveling again. I will be joining the Christian College University Fair Tour on Thursday. We are working our way west (Kelowna, Abbotsford, Victoria, etc.). I get to go to Vancouver Island, so that will be nice. Also, I know someone in every city on the tour, so it will be nice to catch up with people like Barry Sommer, Daniel Enns, Jordan Vantol, and Chris Brambleby. Anyway, I have to go and do homework (two essays). Good times.


Anonymous said...

Erin, you look so great! We're praying for you and hoping we'll be able to come visit once our neice comes!!
Nikki and James

middie said...

okay so here's the scoop, fentanyl...I am looking up websites and stuff but Dana and Kath and their friend Amy says it's God's gift to labor...Kath set me straight the other day-she was like, Maria, labor is not fun you just do it for the baby, anything that cuts the pain for you is a good thing...it's an excellent thing...it's my friend...so I'll keep looking for new friends...great pic's erin...very beautiful pumpkin!

Anonymous said...

Erin, You are the cutest mommy to be. Can't wait until January. I'm so excited.
Love, Grandma Renee

Tara said...

finally a new blog.

Anonymous said...


What exciting times for you! I told Grandpa Tony you don't look like you have room to grow the baby until January. He siad that's the way your mom looked, too.

Praying for Nathan's safety on the tour as well as you at home while he is gone.

Sue at Omley

teri huffaker said...

teri huffaker said
It's the great pumpkin and so beautiful too, i am so glad shari knew how to find your blog photos, i am in awe and grateful to the far reaching capacities of cyber space to keep us all connected...please know that my prayers are added to that great sea of others who know that a very big God holds you in his hands with love and joy

Jen said...

I love watching your belly grow Erin! Mine is getting there too....at least people think I'm pregnany now not just 'putting on a little weight'.
Hope you have fun visiting Jordan and Vanessa. Hope we can come for a visit sometime before Christmas!

Melissa said...

WOW! Erin, you have such a beautiful belly! I hope mine looks like that! Oh, it's Melissa from New Hope again...I just wanted to let you know that God has blessed me with a little bundle of joy again. I've already had two ultrasounds. I got to see the baby and its heart beating. so amazing! I've been praying for you. Hope all is going well!