Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Here is Erin at 26 weeks. I think her belly resembles a squash. Erin has informed me that there are many different types of squash. So I have decided it looks like a pumpkin. Our little girl is moving around lots and enjoys kicking Erin's bladder. Her eyes are now open and she can recognize and distinguish different sounds. I talk and sing to her all the time. Erin finally received her Bachelor of Arts degree two weeks ago. She is excited about not having to do school ever again. Erin and I saw a huge moose in Three Hills last week! We followed it in our car. Well, this week I start traveling again. I will be joining the Christian College University Fair Tour on Thursday. We are working our way west (Kelowna, Abbotsford, Victoria, etc.). I get to go to Vancouver Island, so that will be nice. Also, I know someone in every city on the tour, so it will be nice to catch up with people like Barry Sommer, Daniel Enns, Jordan Vantol, and Chris Brambleby. Anyway, I have to go and do homework (two essays). Good times.