Monday, June 26, 2006

Erin graduated from Prairie this last April. Her family came from Oregon for her graduation and we had a really fun weekend. Erin is now working at the Bookroom at Prairie. We are planning to live in Three Hills for another year and then move to Waterloo where I will finish my studies. This year I will continue to take courses through correspondence from the University of Waterloo and work as an Admissions Counselor for Prairie, a job I am really enjoying! I recently won "Rookie of the Year" in Wilmore, Kentucky at the North American Coalition for Christian Admissions Professionals (NACCAP) conference! God has blessed us tremendously and we are very thankful. Bro, good work on pulling off the engagement plan, Nikki, you look very happy in the pictures I've seen. The ring is stellar, nice work. I am very happy for you guys! We will be there on June 2nd for sure! Can't wait!

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