Friday, June 30, 2006

Let's just say Erin loves her new camera, she is always taking pictures of me at home and of people who come over to the house. Here are two pictures of us (Erin was trying to figure out how to work the timer). Tomorrow we are going with friends to Sylvan Lake, Alberta to hang-out on the beach, have ice cream, and watch fire-works. Should be good times. Then on Sunday I travel to Moose Lake Gospel Camp for the week. I am helping my friend Nathan McLean, who is the Director of camp that week, with worship (drums) and chapel (speaking). Unfortunately Erin can't come with me because she has to work. It will be a relaxing week, I plan to catch-up on homework, rest, and hang-out with new and old friends. I will put pictures up of our weekend when I get back. Happy Canada Day!

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