Tuesday, August 08, 2006

How was your long weekend? It went by way too fast for me. On Friday night Erin and I, Steve and Stacey watched V for Vendetta. It is a good movie about an utilitarian society that attempts to control its people and condition its social agents. V is this terrorist or anarchist, who seeks revenge against those involved in testing minority groups and a children's hospital with medicine that leads to infection and death. Anyway, I think it was well written at times, it is has lots of action as well, just watch it. On Saturday Erin worked at the Bookroom and I helped Steve Davis move into his new place. We had some good chats, some pizza and brew. After church on Sunday a bunch of us went to Gull Lake and barbecued, swam, etc. I lost my wedding ring playing football in the water. We all looked for an hour for the ring. Finally, I saw this guy with a metal detector and I asked him if he would look for my ring for me. Just before we left for home I went out to him in the water and he showed me my ring! It was amazing, I thought I lost it for sure! Thank God! Yesterday I finished reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and Erin and I played tennis and just relaxed.

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