Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Well, last Friday Erin and I drove to Edmonton and attended Claire Thompson's wedding. I grew up with Claire in Indonesia. It was a nice wedding at the First Baptist Church downtown Edmonton. A few other missionary kids from Indonesia came so it was great catching up with them. Two of the Clark girls were there, three of the Kirkley girls, and, of course, the Thompsons. The reception was on the 11th floor of the Delta hotel. You could see the city and the city lights at night, it was really nice. Shawn and Claire are perfect together, they are so goofy and carefree, and they smiled the whole time. I almost fell asleep on the way home and Erin got sick from drinking too much coffee, wine, carbonated drink, etc. Good times. The next wedding Erin and I are attending is Daniel Enns' wedding on September 16th.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Awesome pictures Erin. Nathan.....we still care. Hope you guys are having a great summer. Probably getting excited to see all the new students. Crazy....it's been 5 years since we were 'new' students and you showed us around. We thought you were so cool. You still are.