Sunday, April 29, 2007

This last picture is of our good friends the Richardsons. They are from Alaska and we hang-out almost everyday now. Joshua is a folk singer and critical thinker and Rosie is a hairstylist and is very similar to Erin so we get along well. Good times. This weekend has been good. It was graduation here in Three Hills. On Friday the some of the class of 1957 were here and I gave a group of them a tour of Prairie campus including our new building, which just opened (we are moving in in June). One couple spent 25 years in Pontinanak, Indonesia where I grew up so that was cool and another lady knew my parents and my grandfather! Ron Richardson was the distinguished alumni, he wrote Peacechild, which is now a movie and on DVD. Yesterday Erin and I and the Richardsons went to the Bad Lands and coming soon. It was fun. Josh and I talked about our futures and plans for obtaining MA degrees while the ladies walked around taking pictures. Right now it is raining in Three Hills and I am listening to classical music about to read Zizek, the crazy Slovenian philosopher. The grass is getting greener so I suspect summer is on its way.


Anonymous said...

nice to put faces to names...cute couple!! glad they are your friends...lucky for them too!!

Anonymous said...

hey guys!
hope all is going well up there and the imigration stuff is going well! We are doing pretty good. Dealing with some stuff with Joshua. But God is good and He knows what's gonna happen! Catch up with you later!

-Kristin Crume