Friday, June 08, 2007

Well there you have it, Erin's belly at 9 weeks. Not quite a balloon yet, but she is starting to show. We found out two weeks ago that we are going to have a baby and we are excited. We meet with the doctor soon and then we will have an official due date (probably January sometime). Right now I am at home sick getting ready for my trip to California (I leave tomorrow). Erin is at work with a stomach ache and box of crackers.


Anonymous said...

sooooo pretty!!! and soooooooooooooo exciting!!!!!
we'll be praying every day of the 9 months!!
Thanxs for making us grandparents!
Love to yu 3
MoM B.

hadassah said...

WHAT? Erin, i had no clue!!! congrats! your going to be the cutest pregnant woman ever! :)

man, everyone's pregnant all the time it seems like. So many ppl from school had kids or are pregnant still. oh man.


Anonymous said...

Wow... showing already!! Are you having twins? Are you going to find out the sex? Any names picked out? We are SO excited for you guys and we love you so much!!!!!!
James and Nikki

Anonymous said...

Hi Nathan and Erin! A huge congratulations to you both on the exciting news of expecting your first child. You will be a beautiful pregnant lady, continue to put pictures of your tummy so we can see the progress. Janet called and was very excited about your news. So you will have the 4th great grand child. Do you hope for a boy or a girl? talk to you later Love Aunt Joan

Jen said...

Hey guys! Yay for bellies!....go read my blog.....:)