Thursday, July 13, 2006

These are the albums of the week. The first is Sufjan Stevens' new album entitled The Avalanche (2006). I bought this album on Tuesday and I love it! The song "Pittsfield" is incredible. I love Sufjan's voice and his quirky yet melodic songs. The next album is from the very talented Thom Yorke, lead vocalist from Radiohead. His solo album entitled The Eraser (2006) has elements of Radiohead in it, but is quite unique. The album is very vocally driven and the music is mostly electronic. The overall sound is a kind of Postal Service meets Radiohead. The last album is Pilate's sophmore release entitled Sell Control for Life's Speed (2006). I love this album. Lyrically it is honest and I think the band has really captured their own unique sound on this album. Erin and I recently saw Pilate live and we were very impressed. I had the chance to meet the lead vocalist Todd Clark and he was a really kind, easy going guy. Well, every week I will share new music and music I love with you all.

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