Thursday, July 13, 2006

Well, this is my new haircut. It is pretty short. Erin got her haircut today and it is really short, but I love it. It looks like a hairstyle from the 1960s. I will put up pictures of her tomorrow. Well, my time at camp was amazing! I got to drive a boat, go tubing, play drums in chapel, speak in chapel, meet amazing counselors and campers, and make new friends. I love all the people I met at Moose Lake Gospel Camp and I am definitely going back next year (and bringing Erin this time). Nathan McLean is a great guy and did an awesome job directing camp. Now I am back to work, and it is crazy in the office. We are trying to register students for classes and go through their payment plan options, and so on. I am getting excited to meet all the students I have been working with in August and September. It is my prayer that they sense God's presence and His purpose for their lives when they step foot on to campus. I think places like camp and Bible College are so important for a young Christian because they provide the opportunity for a young person to grow in their knowledge of God, deepen their faith, study a discipline, fellowship with other like-minded people, have fun playing games and relaxing together, learn to articulate their thoughts, and get a sense of God's calling for their lives. Those are the moments I remember from school and camp. Times of surrendering, times around a campfire, times handing in a paper and then going and celebrating with friends, times praying with my roommate before going to bed, times rushing to chapel so I wasn't late, times eating in the dining hall, times playing volleyball and ping pong, and times worshipping God together. Doesn't that sound like a good time?

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