Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Well, Erin and I went and saw The Phantom of the Opera last night. It was really well done. We sat on the second balcony, but we could see perfectly. The singing was really good, the stage/sets were elaborate, the whole thing was quite an ordeal. It is really a funny plot if you think about it: A scarred man, who was orphaned as a child, lives in the basement of an Opera House, somehow he teaches a beautiful girl, who hears voices in her head, to sing. Then, he writes notes to everyone who works at the Opera House with instructions on how he wants everything to run. The Phantom is an insecure, controlling, obsessive, narcissistic, emotional man, who is in love with love and just needs a day on the beach. Anyway, Erin looked beautiful last night of course. We went to Swiss Chalet before the show and overall, we had a great night. Remember, take off your mask and let people see you the way you really are. When we wear masks we deceive others as well as ourselves. Tomorrow I will put up pictures of Erin in her dress, pictures from July 1 (yes there are pictures of fireworks), and my summer reading list, as well as my "rest of the year" reading list.

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